This version contains mostly bugfixes.

Fixed is problem deleting rows via grid on tables with composite key. Also fixed is selection of item in combobox under database tree and renamed to more proper name: table history.

Column sorting in Content of table tab enhanced. Now with Shift key down possible to add sort (sort by more than one column). When process runs more than 5 sec, then the process tab is focused.

New features:

  • import of database dump available (processing dump moved to background)
  • new combobox under tree with connection with recently selected table nodes.  When selecting item, the tree node is selected and refreshed.
  • tree filter search gains focus on shortcut: Alt + s, and now ignores case
  • now in 'SQL Console' it is possible to run queries with comments (#, //). On application exit, the user gets question to store content of 'SQL Console', if any available.
  • search in 'SQL Console' was enhanced to be more user friendly
  • commit/rollback buttons in tab 'Content of table'  are enabled when active action will occur
  • text view have now new action on popup - Copy
  • when editing connection, edit dialog is possible to open by double click on row in table (with connections)
  • other small enhancements, e.g. when working with folders/files - the last used folder is remembered


  • correction of column name display, especially, when using aliases
  • fix in table dump
  • sort click on tabledatatable header - changed back to be able to resize column size

password storing feature were temporary disabled, will be reworked soon..

New features:

First simple version for Intelisense - intelligent SQL queries code completion.
Popup is shown on pressing : CTRL + SPACE.
Possible values contains for now list of standard SQL keywords . Are stored in configs/is/sqlkeywords.


  • in dialogs for managing SQLmarks
  • checking connection alias duplicates

New features:

added feature for checking last version -> user will be informed if there is newer version (can be controlled via preferences)
changes in tree search and SQL console search
marking usage of nodes - when database/table is loaded - is marked in tree with different font of tree node label
when filtering tree, connection nodes are ignored (always shown)
added collapse action on connection node


  • fix in quick search dialog - missing refresh of columns when database/table was changed
  • corrections in logging
  • corrections in expanding/filtering after connect/refresh nodes
  • fix of showing dialog for adding SQL marks
  • added operator like, not like for date and calendar types

Some other changes: sort click on tabledatatable header - change to left click (before was right)

New features:

Managing SQLmarks dialog was reworked.
Task description is now possible to copy (for case of exception).


Ignored rows in Create table wizard.
Correction in batch processing via SQL area - the whole transaction will be rolled back.
Wrongly raised exception - ongoing insert/edit action.
Dump closes the connection  - corrected.
Check for unique name in SQLmarks did not work.
Repaint row headers for user queries.